Love is The Answer

Love was, is and will always be The Answer.
In this turbolent world full of weird and decieving love (fake love) we should be able to recognize and cherrish the Real Love. We should be spreading Love on our Life Path too.
Love Yourself.
Believe in Yourself.

Be Aware and Trust Your Actions. To be Sure Your Actions are True, put Love in it and put an Intent of Wellbeing to All that Your Actions might Affect.
World can/could be such a Lovely Place if we All make Small Things forward Love in Our Everyday Routine and Our Manners and Reactions.
“All Peaople are Evil!” you might hear nowdays…
I believe All People are Good! [My Theory] I also know that some are Evil, some are Confused, some are Angry, some are Tired, some are Lazy, some are Weak and Tempted, some are … and they all are presented in Media, TV and Film while the Good ones are not as much. This is visible in the Comments Sections arround the Web, where People or Boots are spreading Hate and Bad, while the Good Ones that spread Love are not visible to All as much, mostly because Good Ones are not spreading enough Love or better to say Media, TV and Film present more Bad because Pools give them Data to believe that Majority of Viewers love to Watch Violence and such and this brings Them Money so Why should They present more Good (well, it comes as it is boring and non profitable). And this might give this impression that most People are Evil and Bad, but this is not true.
Love will always Win!